Saturday, 25 June 2011

Saturday and my third post


Today was much the same as any other Saturday, It was cold day and hubby did a 398 kilometre round trip to my hometown to check on our son who is going through a crises.

I stayed at home with my gorgeous grand daughters aged 4 and 7 and tried to keep them amused.

Thank goodness for 3D glasses as I was able to catch 40 winks behind the dark glasses while the kids watched a movie, as a treat. L.O.L.

Friday, 24 June 2011


Posted my new Blog as a comment - Well, I guess it's early days - better luck tomorrow

Thursday, 23 June 2011

My first blog

Day 1: It is 12:35 am and I am sitting in the dark with just the glow of the computer in the room.  I feel proud of myself because I feel I have been able to set up this space however I think it is very basic and I shall have to experiment a bit longer to get the hang of it.